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TIGP-ESS program is a jointly effort among Academia Sinica, National Central University and National Taiwan University.

National Central University-College of Earth Science

Unique in Taiwan, the College of Earth Sciences of NCU was founded in 1998 by combining several Earth Sciences-related departments originally under the College of Science. The College presently consists of two Departments and five Institutes: the Departments of Earth Sciences and Atmospheric Sciences for undergraduate education, and the Graduate Institutes of Geophysics, Atmospheric Physics, Space Sciences, Applied Geology, and Hydrology for research and graduate training. Offering academic degrees of BS, MS and PhD, the education in the College aims to equip the students with comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the Earth and its dynamic changes as an integrated system by means of tools from a variety of disciplines, including those in situ, ground-based as well as space-borne, and numerical models and simulations. Practical applications and field experiences, especially those pertaining to environmental changes and natural hazards, are also emphasized. The College infrastructure includes traditional as well as state-of-the-art instruments, and ample computing facilities. Steadily growing, the faculty now numbers 55 professors, while the student number exceeds 700, out of which nearly half are graduate students.

For more information, please visit NCU’s websites:
For more information, please visit the College of Earth Sciences :


National Taiwan University-College of Science

National Taiwan University was founded in 1928 during the Japanese occupation as Taihoku Imperial University and became known as National Taiwan University (NTU) after World War II. Science and Agriculture was one of the two major divisions, the other being Literature and Politics. Chemistry and biology belonged to the College of Science; while agriculture and agricultural chemistry belonged to the College of Agriculture.

Initially, there were four divisions in the College of Science: Chemistry, Zoology, Botany and Geosciences. Now being one of the eleven colleges of the University, the College of Science has acquired a high standard of scholarship, experiencing phenomenal growth, and has become a global educational institution in the last few decades.

The College of Science is now made up of seven departments, three graduate institutes and six research centers. The scope of research covers the entire range of basic sciences, earth sciences and social sciences. The basic sciences are represented by the Departments of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Psychology (1), and Graduate Institutes of Astrophysics and Applied Physics. The earth sciences are represented by the Departments of Geosciences, Geography (1), Atmospheric Science, and the Graduate Institute of Oceanography. The social sciences are represented by Psychology (2) and Geography (2).

Six Centers are currently housed in the College also: Instrumentation Center, Global Change Research, Spatial Information Research, Theoretical Sciences, Typhoon Research, and Atmospheric Resource and Disaster Studies.

Each Department and Graduate Institute of the College fulfills the dual function of education and research. The seven departments provide specialized training at both undergraduate and graduate levels, offering B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees for each individual program. Several departments are responsible also for the general science courses taken by all students at the University. The College of Science therefore offers a full range of undergraduate and graduate training programs. The faculty members who are responsible for the education of our future professionals belong to the best and most competitive research teams in Taiwan. It is our belief that creative teaching lies at the heart of high quality research and that, at the same time, the advanced research performed at our College is a guarantee of solid training and broad interdisciplinary background so vital to scientists in the age of globalization.

Faculty members of the College of Science are actively engaged in research and are some of Taiwan’s best and most academically driven researchers in their respective areas of specialization. Scholars from the College are often invited to seminars, workshops and prominent international conferences for lectures concerning their latest work. Their research also appears in internationally renowned journals. The College of Science highly encourages the exchange of international scholars and students with leading institutions abroad.

For more information, please visit NTU’s websites:
For more information, please visit the College of Sciences :