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Study Requirements

Academia Sinica
Study Requirements for Taiwan International Graduate Program in
Earth System Science
09/07/2023 Approved during faculty meeting of Taiwan International Graduate Program in Earth System Science at Academia Sinica.

Article 1: General Provisions

1. Information and requirements (herewith referred to as 'requirements') regarding Academia Sinica’s Taiwan International Graduate Program in Earth System Science (herewith referred to as ‘our program’), including admission to doctoral programs, research, PhD candidate qualifying examination, and doctoral degree examination, are provided below.

Article 2: Guidance for Students

2. Students shall confirm their advisor upon admission to the program, and confirm their co-advisor before the end of the first study year. The advisor could be from Academia Sinica or the Partner-University, and the co-advisor has to be from the other side. By the end of the first study year, a student may apply for a change of advisor with the agreement of the original and new advisors. If students experience special circumstances and wish to change their advisor after their first study year, they must submit a case that will be subject to the decision of the Student Affairs Committee of our program.

3. The PhD Candidate Qualifying Examination Committee (herewith referred to as ‘the Qualifying Examination Committee’) comprises three (3) to five (5) assistant professors (or above) or equivalent qualified researchers who are invited by the advisor. The qualifications of the Qualifying Examination Committee must be reviewed and approved by the Student Affairs Committee of our program.

Article 3: Research Requirements

Section 1:  Study Plan

4. In principle, students shall formulate a study plan in consultation with the advisor before completing their first year of study and submit it to the Student Affairs Committee for record.

5. At the very least, the study plan should include the intended subject, main research points, and scheduled research progress.

6. Students who have not yet submitted their study plan are not permitted to apply for the PhD Candidate Qualifying Examination.

Section 2: Coursework and Study Duration

7. Alongside the compulsory Seminar courses, students must complete the Introductory of Earth System Sciences and at least two core courses within the first four semesters of study.

8. Students must take other elective courses from those offered by our program during the period of their studies. Doctoral students (Master’s graduates enrolled in a doctoral program) must take at least 18 credits (excluding seminar courses). Students advancing from Bachelor to PhD must take at least 34 credits (excluding seminar courses).

9. Students must enroll in and pass seminar courses for a minimum of four semesters during the study period.

10. The study duration for students is subject to the relevant program regulations.

Article 4: PhD Candidate Qualifying Examinations and Applications

11. After completing the Introductory of Earth System Science, at least two core courses, and submitting a research proposal, students can apply for the PhD Candidate Qualifying Examination with the consent of the advisor. The examination will be conducted by the Qualifying Examination Committee, who will determine the ways and subjects of examination.

12. Students are limited to two (2) attempts at the PhD Candidate Qualifying Examination. Students who fail the examination must apply for a retest within six (6) months. If students still do not pass after the retest, they will be required to withdraw from the program and university.

13. Students must pass the PhD Candidate Qualifying Examination by the end of the third study year (excluding absence periods). Otherwise, they will be required to withdraw from the program and university.

14. Students should submit a thesis research proposal within one year of passing the PhD Candidate Qualifying Examination. It should also be reviewed and accepted by the Qualifying Examination Committee.

15. As approved by the Student Affairs Committee, students who have passed the PhD Candidate Qualifying Examination and completed all required courses are recognized as doctoral candidates.

Article 5: Doctoral Degree Examination

16. Doctoral candidates must have a paper published (or accepted) relating to their thesis topic as the first or corresponding author in an international peer-reviewed journal during the study period. The paper must be approved by the Qualifying Examination Committee before doctoral candidates can submit their thesis.

17. Students who fulfill the research requirements, qualifying examinations, and other related regulations, and who have obtained the agreement of the advisor may submit their doctoral thesis to the Student Affairs Committee and apply for the PhD Degree Examination.

18. Doctoral degree examinations shall be conducted according to each school’s Doctoral Degree Examination Committee. The Doctoral Degree Examination Committee comprises five (5) to nine (9) assistant or higher rank professors, or other equivalent qualified researchers.

19. The grading criteria and the pass of the thesis should be determined by Doctoral Degree Examination Committee for doctoral students.

Article 6: Graduation and Departure

20. Students shall formulate a doctoral thesis according to the relevant specifications before graduating. Electronic documents should be submitted one week before leaving Academia Sinica.

21. Before graduation, students are required to clean the spaces and equipment used in the laboratory, return any borrowed equipment and items, and submit a departure application.  A departure application for leaving Academia Sinica must be checked and signed by the advisor, ESS program office, and all affiliated directors and coordinators. Only after this confirmation can students proceed with the departure procedures from the university and Academia Sinica.

Article 7: Additional Articles

22. If these regulations are incomplete, students should consult with the relevant regulations stipulated by the Ministry of Education, relevant school, and Taiwan International Graduate Program-Earth System Science of Academia Sinica.

23. These regulations are approved and enforced by Academia Sinica’s Taiwan International Graduate Program in Earth System Science faculty meeting. When amendments are made, the same approval procedure shall apply.