Dr. Shu-Huei  Hung
Status Coordinators
Name Dr. Shu-Huei Hung
Job Title Professor
Affiliation Institution Department of Geosciences, NTU
Specialty Array seismology, Seismic tomography, Full waveform modeling, Ambient noise interferometry
Education Ph. D., Brown University, USA
1991- B. S., National Taiwan University.
1993- M. S., National Taiwan University.
1998- Ph. D., Brown University.
1993-1998 Graduate Research Assistant, Brown University, USA
1998/8-2001/1 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University, USA
2001/02- Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan.
2001/7-8 2002/7-8 Visiting Scientist, University of Rhode Island, USA.